Twelve Key Marketing Concepts That Will Grow Your Biz in 2024

The cover of the guide to digital marketing tips 2020 - 2024.

After months of research and geeking out, my 2024 State of Marketing Report is now ready for you! This 32-page labor of love breaks down 12 key concepts that will help your business grow its organic marketing strategy every month.

The best part is that each concept has a set of ⚡️actionable⚡️ tasks you can do (because I don’t have time for philosophy…just tell me what to do!) plus a few extra credit ideas if you’re feeling a little overachieve-y.

Who's this for?

  • B2C Marketers
  • B2B Marketers
  • Solopreneurs
  • Freelancers

And any other entrepreneur who just wants to stop sucking at marketing

What's in it?

Top 12 ice marketing concepts for 2021.

Trending Marketing Tactics

I've selected twelve of the hottest (and easiest to implement) marketing tactics research has shown will create a positive impact on your organic marketing strategy this year.

A purple and purple pattern with the words download it for details.

Extra Ideas

Want to kick your marketing up a notch? I've included even more actionable things you can do that are budget-friendly and can be implemented within a few weeks.

Action plan download it for details.

Action Plans for Every Tactic

Reports that just show don't work well for people like us who want to know what to do and when. That's why I've created a 3 part action plan for every one of the twelve tactics you can use!

Organic marketing strategy for multi-passioned creatives