Episode 31 // Pinterest domination strategies (with Dennis Kashkin from Boardbooster.com)


In this episode, Megan talks with Dennish Kashkin from Boardbooster  about marketing strategies on Pinterest.

Pinterest will not be made for you. It’s going to be what your fans want.

The Pinterest audience is mainly female and research shows that they have a very strong intention to buy. Most users who get a lot of repins are pinning not only their content but also content created by others.

Everything you publish on your boards, send signals to Pinterest on how good you are at meeting the needs of others. Publish a good mix of yours and third-party content.

Optimize your pinning strategy to achieve better metrics.

Secret boards have no impact on your public boards. Better to put your personal pins on secret boards. Invest in the quality of your public boards. Make sure that every pin has a source link.

Boardbooster has pin doctor. Tests your pins for nine common problems.
If you have a budget, why not test and see how Facebook, Google, and Pinterest advertising work side by side.

You want to make sure that everything you pin has meaningful descriptions. Consider keywording whenever you are entering any text in Pinterest.

Questions answered:

  • How to measure if you are successful in a pinterest campaign?
  • What are the things that you should keep in mind developing strategy in pinterest?
  • Are pinterest ads are a good thing things to implement?

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