How I Make Videos for YouTube and IG TV Using the Same App


With so many freaking social media platforms now, it can feel hard to keep up, especially since there’s no universal formatting. You’ve probably heard “video is king” and “video isn’t going away any time soon” so I won’t bore you to death with repeating these. Let me just say: if you haven’t started adding video into your marketing strategy, you’ll need to start playing catch-up ASAP.

You all know I am pro-automation all day, every day, but video editing and publishing has been so resistant to becoming automated, so I’ve focused solely on YouTube for a long time. It felt like a whole thing to start creating new videos, in a new format for a different platform.

How I Make Videos for YouTube and IG TV Using the Same App

Cut to this post and the revelations I’m about to show you. There is one site I’ve discovered that has made video creation AND conversion for multiple platforms ridiculously easy: InVideo.

Normally, I wouldn’t dedicate an entire post to just one app, but I feel like it’s way too important now to streamline production in order to move your business forward.

I’m going to show you the step-by-step method I use to make videos from scratch and then convert it for different platforms (namely my latest obsession, IG TV).

I even made a video OF me making my video. Vidception! Behold:

So why InVideo instead of Adobe Premier or Rush? Price! InVideo costs $20/month ($240/year), Adobe CC costs $635.88/year ($52.99/month). We’re all startups here, so I know how carefully you all consider costs. One more thing I feel like InVideo has over Adobe is the accessibility to its developers. InVideo has a dedicated Facebook group that allows direct contact with the founders and developers, who take your suggestions seriously and present new features based off of their customers ideas.

InVideo instead of iMovie:

Ease of use. I feel like iMovie has more bells and whistles than I need and InVideo keeps it simple. Use their graphics, vid clips, music, and templates to create a short video easily. While iMovie can create the same type of output, all of it involves building things yourself. I just like the “one-stop-shop”-ness of InVideo.
Give it a shot, see what you think. InVideo has been awesome enough to offer you guys 75% off your first month or annual plan when you use the code INVIDEO75.

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