When it comes to small businesses, marketing can be a challenge. There are so many options and it can be difficult to know where to start. One of the best ways to get started is by learning to stop thinking big and instead go for the micro. Let me introduce you to the theory behind micro marketing targeting strategy.
What is Micro Marketing Targeting?
Micromarketing is all about reaching the right people with the right message at the right time. It’s all about tailoring your marketing efforts to fit the specific needs of your target audience.
You’ve probably heard before that to be successful you need to define your business niche and cater to that audience. So, for example, say you’re a web developer looking to find a client base. You decide that you’re pretty good with Shopify so your niche will be Shopify e-commerce businesses and you’ll build them beautiful e-com websites.
While that’s a good segment to target, there’s an inherent problem you’ll stumble on eventually: different businesses use Shopify in different ways. Some use it as their primary e-commerce platform, some use it as a secondary platform, and some use it as a way to get started with e-commerce. There’s no one size fits all solution when it comes to Shopify so your strategy for targeting businesses that use Shopify must be tailored to the specific needs of each client.
That’s where micro marketing comes in.
Enter the Micro Marketing Targeting Strategy
When you micro market, you focus on reaching specific target audiences with specific messages at specific times. So back to the web developer who wants to build Shopify sites. You’re finding that, actually, this is getting way more cumbersome than you anticipated because your niche isn’t as niche-y as you thought. You’ve got to juggle multiple interests and ways of thinking about Shopify so you dilute your effectiveness as a web dev and stretch yourself too thin.
What if instead, you became a Shopify site builder who helped t-shirt businesses build their Shopify site solely for their wholesale clients? That’s a much more specific target audience that you know well and can message with authority. You’ve narrowed your focus to one industry, which makes it easier to both establish yourself as the t-shirt Shopify wholesale site builder and develop case studies, marketing materials, and proof that you’re the only one who can solve this very specific problem (and consequently, might need to charge a premium for but that’s another topic for another day).
There are other benefits of micro marketing as well.
1. It’s More Effective: When you’re laser-focused on a single market, you’re able to hit your targets with more precision and effectiveness than when you’re trying to appeal to multiple markets at once. This is because when you micro market, you put in the time and effort to learn about your target audience so that your messages resonate with them on an emotional level.
2. It’s More Time-Efficient: When you micro market, it’s easier for you to cut through the clutter and reach potential customers who are actually interested in what you have to say. You’re not wasting your time and energy trying to convince people who aren’t interested, which can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.
3. It’s More Satisfying: When you hit your target market with the right messages, they’ll appreciate it and be more likely to return your calls or visits. This is because when you micro market effectively, you’re not only reaching your target audience but also delighting them – which makes them more likely to recommend your services to others.
How to Create Your First Micro Marketing Targeting Strategy
1. Identify your ideal customer.
There are many ways to target your micro-marketing efforts, but the most important thing is to identify your ideal customer. You need to understand what they want and need in order to create successful marketing strategy content. Once you have a good understanding of who your target market is, you can begin tailoring your marketing efforts accordingly.
One way to identify your ideal customer is through market research. This can be done by talking to people who already use or purchase what you offer, as well as people who may not currently be interested in using or purchasing what you have to offer. Additionally, surveys can help you gather information about what people want and how they use information technology. Once you have a good understanding of who your target market is and what they want, it will be much easier to create effective marketing campaigns.
2. Create a relevant and interesting brand message.
Your brand message is the main reason people will choose to buy from you rather than from another competitor. Make sure that your brand message is relevant and interesting to your target audience so that they will want to purchase from you rather than from another competitor. Try to create a marketing strategy content that speaks to their needs and interests, and make sure that you communicate this message through your marketing campaigns and other marketing materials.
3. Use effective micro marketing tactics.
There are many effective micro marketing tactics that you can use in order to reach your target market. Some common tactics include email marketing, online ads, blog content, social media campaigns, and targeted mailing lists. When using these types of strategies, be sure to consider the target market, the product or service you are offering, and the marketing objectives that you want to achieve. Creating effective marketing strategy content is about ensuring you’re meeting people where they are and making it the lowest barrier of entry possible to deal with you.
What to Do If Your Micro Marketing Doesn’t Work
1. Check if your marketing is properly targeting your audience
When it comes to marketing, one of the most important things to do is to make sure that your marketing strategy content is properly targeting your audience. This means that you are only advertising your products or services to people who are likely to be interested in them. By doing this, you can ensure that you are reaching the right people and generating the most effective results.
There are a number of ways to target your marketing efforts. One way is to use data analysis tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel. These tools can help you identify which segments of your audience are spending more time on your site, engaging with your content, or buying your products. Additionally, they can help you determine which campaigns are working best and where you need to make changes.
Another way to target your marketing is through customer segmentation. This involves dividing your audience into different groups based on factors like age, location, or interests. This can help you create more targeted content, ads, and emails.
2. Make sure your marketing strategy content is consistent
One of the most important things to do when it comes to marketing is to make sure that your campaigns are consistent. This means that you are using the same messaging and tactics across all of your different marketing channels. By doing this, you can ensure that your audience understands what you are trying to communicate and how you plan to reach them.
Additionally, it is important to keep track of which campaigns are working well and which ones need to be adjusted or stopped. This will help you avoid wasting precious resources on ineffective campaigns or strategies.
3. Use social media to reach your target audience
One of the most effective ways to reach your target audience is through social media. This includes platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. By using these platforms, you can easily connect with a large number of people who are likely interested in what you have to say.
Additionally, social media allows you to create content that is specifically designed for your target audience. This can help you differentiate yourself from your competition and attract new customers. I have some misgivings about social media for my own business but that doesn’t mean I can’t understand its potential for others. However, if you’re not feeling like it’s a good use of your business resources, it’s fine to avoid it altogether (in my opinion, at least), you’ll just have to work harder on other lead gen avenues like SEO or word-of-mouth.
4. Create engaging content
One of the best ways to reach your target audience is through engaging content. This means writing content that is interesting and easy to read. It should also be tailored specifically for your target audience, so they will want to keep reading even after they have finished it the first time.
One of the best ways to create engaging content is through blogging. This allows you to share your thoughts and ideas with a large audience. Additionally, by using social media, you can promote your blog posts and attract new readers.
5. Re-evaluate what problem you’re trying to solve
Customers, whether they’re B2B or B2C, come to you because they have a problem that needs to be solved. Conversion happens when you’re able to show them that A. their problem is real and B. their problem is solvable with the products or services you offer.
However, if your micro-marketing targeting strategy is turning up bupkiss it could be that you’re either:
Solving a problem no one needs to be solved
Creating a solution when there’s no problem.
Either of these can be corrected by either changing course or adjusting your messaging but it’s up to you to decide which pivot would be easiest to make.
6. Re-evaluate your funnels
Are you making it easy to buy from you? Are you creating an experience that’s enjoyable and satisfying?
Funnels are the building blocks of a successful micro marketing targeting strategy. They’re the steps that take a potential customer from awareness (knowing about you) to consideration (thinking about buying from you).
7. Test, test, test
You’ve put together a great micro marketing targeting strategy but it’s useless if no one knows about it. Testing is essential in order to determine which strategies are working and which ones need to be tweaked. You can use A/B testing or split testing to determine which variations of your content, offers, and calls-to-action are most successful.
Final Thoughts
A micro marketing targeting strategy is the blueprint for a successful business. It’s the plan that determines how you’ll reach your target market and what products or services you’ll offer in order to make a sale.
It’s important to take the time to create a well-thought-out strategy, test it, and continually refine it as your business grows. With the right approach, micro marketing can be one of your most successful strategies.