What’s your archetype?
Discovering what your archetype is will help you to also understand how you can set yourself up for success.
Find out from Thrive Factor founder Shannon Dunn and how you can pave your path towards a successful business/career.
More Shannon Dunn:
Website – https://thethrivefactor.com/
IG – @shannon_thethrivefactor
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/thrivefactorrevolution
What’s the worst day you ever had in your business? I can name a few. It was a five time award winning entrepreneur who burned out because I couldn’t give up control of anything in my business. Whether it was because I thought I could do it faster or because I thought I couldn’t afford it, I just refused to let anybody else. And consequently, the business turned from a dream goal into a job I hated, and I didn’t know what to do anymore. In 2015, I closed my business, walked away and started a whole new life. But I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up after that. And I realized that what I really love to do is marketing. I love to talk about marketing and create marketing and teach other people how to create value based marketing initiatives that talk to their customers. I’ve done it for corporations, for entrepreneurs like you, bloggers and everybody in between. I’m here to help you create your dream empire that gives you the freedom that creates your life the way you want to do it. My name is Megan Brame. This is stop sucking your business. Let’s go.
Hey guys, Megan here. Thank you so much for joining me today. I think that you’re gonna be blown away by this interview because I’m very excited to talk to her. I am here with Shannon Dunn from The Thrive Factor. Shannon Dunn is a super creator, visionary thinker, liberation loving, inspiration. Seeking Chai devotee. Stand up paddleboard addict. Shannon is an international award winning businesswoman, retreat leader and regularly sought out as a keynote speaker. She’s Amazon’s best selling author of The Thrive Factor. Unlock your effortless Success zone. A book Introducing women to the archetypal can’t say that in the morning Free for you. Well ok, changing the way they interact with themselves and the world. Shannon coaches, mentors and teaches in cheers dynamic, adventurous women who are true hashtag thrive seekers to connect with their innate thrive, factor archetypes and their unique permission giving activation to stop holding back and own the space they’re here to occupy. Shannon has been championing live thriving as the cornerstone of her work for over 14 years and expanded the thriving woman revolution in 2019 with Thrive Factor School, where she teaches coaches the art of architecture. Archetypal profiling using the thrive factor Bring work.
You did it.
I did it, you start being a word and you’re like That’s what they’re.
I know. I have a reputation for putting words into bios and the insurers and things not deliberately. It’s just words. I used to describe things, but I have a reputation for tripping people up when they’re reading them out. So you’re welcome to the club Megan.
I passed, that’s very funny. It’s so good to be with you. I’m so thrilled to talk to you. You are such a nen separation. And I’m so glad that my listeners get to talk to you today. I love, you know, Shannon and I met in a mastermind, and I love her energy. I love your story. I can’t wait for him. Everybody hears your story, shit. Like, where do you want to start?
Well, I was always gonna ask you the same thing. Where do you want me to start? Look, I don’t know. Where is the beginning? Really? Sure, so you know, as we said that you asked me to share some key things that you wanted, you know, to focus on. I love that We’ve already said that that may not happen. We’ll just go with the flow, which is fine. But I can talk about anything to do with business and women thriving 100% on, you know, just by doing that, the throw factor is something that I will end up talking about. So we talked about my cat, because you can’t see the visual.
So I guess let’s start with when you decided that you were going to give it a go with a three factor full time. Like where? What was the origin story for that?
Well, there’s actually two sides to my business, and the throw factor is the I guess the side that really is now the main underpinning of everything that I do. And it’s not necessarily a separate business, but it sort of is in some regard with the launch of Fright Factor School last year in the certification program for women who are coaching and working with women in very different ways, there’s a business’s oh, my, my first business. I started me. You know what I mean? My 15th year now. Creative Possibility Consultancy. So is that what we’re sort of all started on bond over a decade ago, I started to see the patents off behavior mindset stuff, belief, systems, results in the women that I was coaching at the time on. Do you know, my background is quite diverse and varied from the perspective of being a coach. I’m also called to counsel an art therapist on. I’ve spent a lot of time studying Young’s works like Carl Jung on That’s where the love of Archetypes comes from. So I was that nerdy teenager when everyone else was outgoing, having fun, reading cubs, Young’s work, learning about archetypes and myth and story, and so surprised I love to travel on, you know, get out there in the world and actually see things and be a part of off stuff. So as I was starting to see these different patterns, coming up was like money to start documenting this and say What is going on here? And that was the very first sort of a guest note I took. That then became 12 archetypes, which then, over time of more , I used to call them personally. She got leadership archetypes because I really didn’t have a sexier name for them back then. And that’s what they’re all of that is about personal leadership in getting to know ourselves looking to understand their strengths, be aware about potential challenges and what to do with all of that. And then I would say it’s about three years ago now I was literally on a retreat in Bali, which is not far off. I live in Perth and West Australia’s. That’s about three hours, 3.5 hours flight from May, so really close. I go up there regularly when we can travel in the world. I usually run my own business for trees up there. But anyway, that’s that will come back one day and I was out there and I literally just had a massage and I was just like I literally saw the cover off my book as it ended up becoming and I saw the name the thrive factor went. That’s exactly what I do. That’s exactly what these archetypes are about, and I have been talking for a long point to that a long time to that point around the fact that everything that I did with all of my clients, all the teaching I do. It was all about working with women so that they could create a dynamic. Things were easier. So that’s the effort on the success side and that they would be able to set themselves up for optimal, thriving, whatever their definition of thriving was and like, yes, that’s it. These 12 archetypes are your thrive factor. That’s then that’s how it’s just all morphed into where it is now. So that’s part of the, you know, I guess, the convoluted version of the origin story with it. But it is literally the throat factor framework as it stands in the 12 archetypes within. That is the first step in anything anyone does with me. So if you work with me one on one, you do a program of mine. You join my membership. It’s just it’s just embedded into everything because it is they thing that will unlock the effortless success for women.
That’s fast. And I love Young. Actually, he was the reason that I did. My degree was bullshit, but it was. It was a concentration on psychology, sociology and history and Young was like he was my guy, big part of it. It would have been a big part of what you were studying. I definitely think my favorite was abnormal psych. That was my favorite class. It was a really hard class, but just so fascinating. And so like, I don’t know if we love that stuff. Effortless success. I want to talk about the origin of that and how you feel like people can plan for that and reach every success. But first, what do you mean by effortless success?
It’s a good place to start because I have had various interactions over the years of people going well. But, you know, it’s not easy. I’m like, I’m not ever saying that the effortlessness or being effortless comes without effort. The word effort is a key part of this or equation here. And. I am never going to suggest that business particularly, can be easy, all the time. But it can be a hell of a lot easier than we make it out to be, and that we allow it to be one of the biggest barriers. I see two things being more effortless is that we either don’t know who we are or we deny who we are. Well, we follow other people’s guidance and things, but we follow it blindly. So we get lost in all of the formulas, the six secrets to success and all the things that we get taught as entrepreneurs and his business business are women business signers. No matter where we are in the world, who you and I are like halfway around the world from each other and weekend, we still understand the same dynamic of that. So the effortlessness comes when you can truly know who you are and when you use what I call the personal leadership principles. And then, by definition, I look at personal leadership as it’s the choices you make. And the action you take in response to those choices is the way that you lead your life in your business, when you can get to a point of truly knowing your strengths, whether that be through my framework, the tri factor or some other type of frame IQ. But something that is, I guess, founded and grounded in psychology that you could actually rely on. It’s not just enough sort of like you know I am. I just don’t think, you know, there’s so many personality quizzes and things out there that have got no merit. They’re not grounded. They’re not have any science behind them. You want to use something that is actually tangible and, you know, reliable. So when you can get to know your strengths and you actually choose to use those every day, things get easier. You know, strength is something that you might be good at, but that’s not the key thing. We often get taught that strengths are the things that come naturally to us, and they were really good at, and that is part of the definition of a strength. But a true definition of a strength is when something comes naturally to you or comes easier to you. But it also energizes you and makes you feel great. As opposed to. We’re just good is something that’s not necessarily strength that makes you feel terrible. That’s not a string. That’s just something you learn to be good at.
I love that distinction. I think that’s so true that like you’re good at this so do. But I don’t like this. I’m good.
Exactly. Hate it. It makes me feel terrible, like it’s the last thing I want to do. Just because I couldn’t do it doesn’t mean that I want to do it doesn’t make me feel good. So the way that I have defined the 12 individual archetypes in the tri effective framework is that I’ve looked at them as they get their curry the way they express themselves in the world. I’ve defined strengths, and I’ve also defined what I call potential challenges. The potential word is really key, because in an individual professor, we profile you, Megan, we may discover that you’ve got, say, four or five archetypes off. Those 12 make up your actual profile. So by defining the architects individually, some of those things that are potential challenges may be present for you with that archetype. But they also may not exist because of the other archetypes you have and I also didn’t want to set something up where women were like, I’m gonna have all these terrible things happen to me and these challenges, they’re gonna be so bad. It’s even where I used the word strengths and potential challenges instead of light and shadow because of my background, you know, with therapy and the different study that I’ve done I found so often that the word shadow got such a bad rap in an automatic assumption that it meant negative and bad. And yet, when we can embody our shadow without light, we become whole. No, we can’t. You know, it’s not about one of them and often, if you really wanna look at it, the brighter the light, the bigger the shadow.
That is so true.
So you wanna work with all of that? So when you are, when you know who you are and you understand those strengths and you’re choosing to use them this is when you can set yourself into being in the state of psychological flow. So when we’re in a state of flow, things become easier. We could do them all day long. We feel good about them. We become magnetic, you know, we attract good things. This is going way beyond law of attraction stuff. You know, years ago I looked at it and you know what? There is a whole law of effortlessness Here there is this whole lease and again and again comes down to, you know, I’m going to choose an easier path here. This isn’t saying someone’s gonna take a lazy path. It’s just saying, You know what? I’m not going to subscribe to the This is going to be really hard, and I’m not going to be able to do it right, just changing the way that we’re thinking. And I love to challenge the way that we think and believe about ourselves and others. That’s a long, long part of it behind the effortless success.
That’s so brilliant and I love it. I think you’re hitting on so many things that I think people just inherently take for granted. You know, things like you said, this is my strength. So this is what I should do more of. But I hated it. It doesn’t make me feel good, but this is what I’m told I should be doing. So I’ll do it. And, you know, I heard this phrase like, stop shooting yourself is just sorry so you know, things are live in December and we’re talking about planning for 2021. I feel like a lot of people are coming out of a really rough life here.
100% no matter where we’ve been. And you and I talked about this before we started recording. No matter where you are in the world, things have been tough and not like any of us expected
Where you think people should start, like what do you feel like is the lowest barrier of entry that people should start in defining their effortless success zone.
Okay, so I think getting really clear on the things that you love to do is a good starting point. So I can say straight up Come and do you throw a factor profile? In fact, you can take an assessment of work at what one of your core archetypes is the whole and said the whole entire profile could be 3456 archetypes, even depending on the nation, the notion of the aircraft’s you have but pre doing all that just get really clear on the things that you love to do that make you feel really good that you could do all day, every day, like you know, this is when you’re in that state of psychological flow. Things feel good. They feel easier to do. Your time passes really quickly. Like the chatter in our brain that’s, you know, interrupts our thought processes. And the poor self talk that we can often have doesn’t happen, we’ve all got something that we can do often athletes. Artists particularly understand this very quickly. So you know, the runner’s high when people that I don’t run, but people talk about it. Apparently it’s Riel Eri so that that whole, like you’re in, you know all your endorphins around it, you know, you know, checking along. You’re doing really well. But people that paid, you know, singers, dancers, anyone that’s express themselves in a creative, artistic, creative way they would talk about it. And one of the things I love to do in my sort of downtime is that I do paint, so I know this very well. And there’s a little girl. If you know, I’ve got four archetypes of my own profile. Three of them are very intellectual. I spend a lot of time in my head. I’d rather not. That’s how I’m wired, so I know that now. But one of the archetypes I have is called the Visionary Creator and one of the clearest ways, although I guess the most powerful ways for my vision to stay clear. And for me to trust and work with that vision is to be doing something that involves creative expression. And I’ve been painting since I was tiny. You know, Little Toddler. Probably when I first had a first set of off paint of some sort on, as I then went to school and I got into the whole intellectual type aspects of who I was, I would then often have meltdowns, which I now know is a responsive, that is, can blame my Liberator engineer archetype for that very intense processes. She’s very analytical. She can get very overwhelmed with what she’s doing. Her core value is freedom, but the engine, which is the Liberator part of it, the engineer can, is the source of creating that freedom. But you can also over engineer things, so it makes things far too complex. And, you know, I have a process of things, and my mom, trusting all her intuition, would say You always seem to be a lot happier when you’re painting or drawing. Why Don’t you just do that for a little while I would? It’s no surprise I became an art therapist is part of my study is well, because I got it so But that’s all the, you know, opening up that state of flow Is that that being in that place where things just feel good, your brain text, you just takes a break from all the other stuff that’s going on. So go back to that. Well, you know, a lot of the time for us, as we have got to the adult world with all the expectations and the shoes and the mass and have shoes and all those things we can forget about those things that made us feel like we were thriving when we were kids. So, you know, I said, what do we like to do when we are five or six or 10? You know, in that perfect world when you had that little bubble and everything was wonderful for you? I like to believe my inspire believer archetype. I’d like to believe that there was a place like that for all of us. Even if it was in our imagination. So what was going on there, So that’s a starting point when it comes to planning, I created a framework called the Effortless success planning framework that I use for myself. I’ve used it for well over a decade in my business and I do this’ll with clients recorder I’ve got in my throat factor in a circle membership. We do a planning session of recorder and it’s focused on looking at forecourt areas to give us a holistic view of what? What I guess where to put our energy and where to put our intention in about the choices we make and yes it’s about using your strengths in those. But we start with looking at those four quadrants, so they’re all about growth. So business, wealth, expertise and self. So that’s the way that the framework works, since it is about setting a maximum of three goals or three sorts of focus or intentions in each of those quadrants only for that particular time frame, there might be bigger goals and then could break them down to smaller and more actionable monthly or weekly or daily tasks. But in doing that, it gives you space to look at a holistic view of your life in your business because self is a quadrant that’s in there, you’re looking at your business growth. You’re looking at your wolf growth because I get really annoyed when business owners, they’re out there and they’re talking about making money, but they’re not actually paying attention to all the money stuff. So true, that much girls and all those sorts of things and the next 30 so that we can look at our learning but also looking at live reaching what we already know, What experience do we have, How we letting people know that we actually are qualified and I don’t mean that in a have qualifications I mean that in our experience that we’ve had and that we have worked with clients that we’ve people have got good results or they’ve loved the product that they bought from us. How we harness and make the most of that expertise.
Interesting so when we can look at that and it’s a really simple framework, and it came out of me go looking at the, you know, downloading a business plan template from a government website. I’m wanting to go to sleep for a year like this. So boring there. So they’re not engaging. And I was like, no I you know, I want something that I can have on a single sheet of paper and stick it next to me in my office. I can see it all the time, Which again, I know you’re done enough reason enough Study around the counseling, the out therapy in mindset, working before my coaching training. So I knew that seeing things getting good, clear, measurable goals and staying out of seeing them regularly was actually important. I’m like, I’m not going to go through a 50 page document that really actually doesn’t have any goals, that this is a This is what my business stands for. And this is where I hope it is going to go one day. And this is what my financials could look like. That wasn’t it. I want it to be practical, easy to use and engage in to be holistic and actually take me into consideration. I think one of the things I got quite shocked about in some regards was how much of an impact my business could have in my life. and how much of an impact my life could have in my business when I started my business. You know, it’s employees. I think we can. We go to work, we can come home, and we can compartmentalize and pretty much leave work at work. When you’re a business owner when you’re an entrepreneur, that doesn’t happen as much, you know. And if you’re having an on an off day, you just can’t function. For whatever reason, you’re still pretty much showing up to you. You know, to your business. You know, you don’t let clients down. You know all those different things. You know there’s not someone to cover for you like there would have been, perhaps in an employee type situation, unlike wise. If your business is not functioning well, if you’re not taking care of some things that you’re not getting help if you’re not looking after your financials, you know, doing any business group that’s going to affect you personally, it’s gonna affect your relationship with yourself is going to affect your self belief, your mindset, your confidence is gonna potentially affect your relationships with your significant others. You’re not bringing the money home and there’s bills to be paid. You know, there’s all these other stresses, so you gotta look after the business side of it. The business wealth of expectation. You’ve gotta look after the self as a like, you know, they’re all measures together.
right? So that makes it complete and a You’re so right about the It just doesn’t stop. I was e I had I had, like, a down week a couple of weeks ago, and I was just like I couldn’t I couldn’t move like I was just I found that I’m way more empathetic that I knew I was, And I had a while. She was in a crisis, and it kind of like it drained me. Yes, but I was like, I still have to if I had been an employee, But like, Mental Health week, I’m taking it off. And just like, you can’t do that. Well, you should. But they’re still like shit still needs to get done. And that’s right.
That’s right. You know, you take a vacation like I just had a week off recently, and it was amazing and so needed, and I do it as regularly as I can. But at the same time the administration and the other things that we do don’t go away on. You know the cycle. Like so, for example, I meet with my private one on one clients once a fortnight, like every two weeks. so if some of them were due to fall in that week, I was away. Then they wanted to be, like rescheduled To. What ended up being the week after? So then that weeks busier As soon as you get back and you’re trying to embrace the spaciousness that your vacation gave you and then suddenly coming back to the most intense week you’ve had for months, so way just were issued stuff around to, you know, to support ourselves and others. But it is different. So it’s not like you and you. You’re an employee, you take a week off and you come back and just keeps flowing. Being a business is very different. Wouldn’t change it ever.
The trade off is way worth it. I feel so . I want to talk to you about the expertise part of your planning quadrant. And I know that there are people who are thinking if they haven’t started yet that they’re going to start their business in 2021. And how do you recommend people handle the expertise area when they don’t have the testimonials or the verifiable word of mouth proof like, How do you recommend that?
Awesome question. I love that you asked me this. I have a lot of conversations with people who say to me when we talk about the quadrant of expertise, but I’m not an expert, but I was like, That’s not what the Quadrant says. It doesn’t say, What are you an expert? And it says, What is your expertise? Which talks to your You’re any qualifications, that you may have your lived experience, your work experience in pride businesses or as an employee? All of that counts. No, you’re a few years ago. I don’t work a lot with male clients for no reason other than I just have more women attracted to work with me and the three effective framework is a female only model. But every now and again, I get to work with an amazing man, and I had this guy working with me as a client. A few years ago, he had moved to Australia with his family is British. And in the UK he been, a very senior member of the military, had all these awards like one all these incredible stuff and he had come to a straight area, was working part time somewhere, and he was building a conspicuous consultancy. But in a very unique sort of spac and this is that’s why I’d come to get some support in some you know, business coaching and consultancy. The marketing strategy for me. And he was like he wanted to deny that he’d had all this like So it was like 20 something music experience he was like, But that was in the military that that doesn’t count. I was like, No, it does count. So we have this very long winded discussion back and forth for weeks on end about getting him to own the value off what he done previously because that was the expertise and know That may not mean that we actually have a tangible testimonial from someone, but it does mean that we’ve got something on value to give. So bringing that story and ensuring that with people is really important So he was trying to get you know, people would come on board to invest in him in the corporate space so that he would come in as a consultant and do a lot of innovation. And he’d spent all this time working with teams to innovate, pivot like, you know, it’s one of the words in 2020. But you know, this was like a proper Pivetti way back when on resilience building and all those things. This is what he wanted to do in this sort of corporate space. Because I covered that Doesn’t Count was like. It’s even more important that you’ve done that in such an intense environment in high level military operations than in a corporate office in the city. Like, you know, this is actually a value on bond, I said to him in lieu of having testimonials in the traditional sense in the business center said, Can you get some people to write something for you about their experience of user, like a character testimonial rather than a written testimonial from a work experience where they work with them? So that is one other way to do it. I think the biggest step is to own your expertise and know that you have got something of value to bring to your clients on day one of your business and not forget whatever you’ve done beforehand, even if you are, you know, just out of college. And whereas we call University over here, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have lived experience and life experience that is of value to support you, To make the claims that you’re trying to make in terms of what you could do for the clients of what your products could do.
I love that and you’re so right. It’s so like, I think people get focused, I don’t have people who can say things about me or like you have your you know,
Yes, but I’m just to start up. I just knew in business that the whole lot of conversation about pricing doesn’t price because you just started business yesterday. Don’t make it that, you know, if you again. If you’ve got you could have come out of, ah, corporate career of 15 years doing something particular that you’ve now taken in your making or suffered as a consultant in that same space. You’ve got 15 years of expertise gathered in there. Don’t start God, but only started my business last month. So I’m charging at the newbie, right, Because I’m not sure that’s your mindset in your confidence about money and wealth in your value. It’s not relevant.
Love that. I want to talk more about that. But first, can we talk about the 12 archetypes? Could you be willing to go into those?
We can at lightning speed because there are 12.
If you want more information, you have to go talk to Shannon about them.
Totally and I think that the link has given you Meghan to share with. Everyone will take people to find out more information, certainly, about profiling the archetypes but also taking that single car type assessment, which we call the throat factor edge, where at least that’s a starting point for people to get to know, you know, one of their main archetypes, and that tends to create a lot of interest for like, I know one. Now I want to know the rest of like how many have I actually got on what they actually mean? on the way that I’ve defined the archetypes in my book. The thrive factor is that we’ve got an introduction to each archetype, and then we have the strength and mutual challenges as general strengths and general potential challenges for each archetype. And then I’ve shared a neck sprechen of what I call the four ems of momentum, mindset, marketing money and magnetism so that we can get that deeper, particularly for, you know, women in business. But any woman could be the finest value.
I love that.
It’s just love to do it that way. So okay, I tend to introduce the 12 archetypes in alphabetical order, because that way, don’t forget any off because there’s one little elusive one there in the middle that can sometimes go into hiding. And that’s actually part of the nature of that archetype. So the very first one that I will introduce you or two very briefly is the advocate rescuer. So the advocate rescue is that it’s like that girlfriend that we all have that says yes to everything. She volunteers her time everywhere to every cause possible. It could be, you know, people, environment animals one of one or all three. She’s over committing herself all the time, and then she comes to us and like, Well, I had to do it because no one else would. And she could become like a real martyr. And sometimes she can also become really needy with that. She loves to be acknowledged and appreciated, but can sometimes create a dynamic for herself where she doesn’t necessarily do that very well because she jumps in and she does things for people and they could get really annoyed about it. Sometimes she wants to be empowering but misses the whole mark that doing four people is not empowering. If you can lead by example, and this is the biggest gift for the advocate rescuer. To give herself is to learn the true definition of self advocacy and learn to find her voice and to use that for good, as opposed to doing it for four people and then getting resentful and annoyed by all of that. So but then she sort of got the goddess Guanyin, the goddess of compassion. She’s like, it’s that energy. It’s beautiful, big, open hearted. She can be very motivated and a real deep Fieler, but that also can be one of the greatest drinks. I’m one of the greatest challenges because she’s just feels too much. She feels the way, the world, a love of the time So not everyone can see this, but I can show you what she looks like. So every one of these archetypes has their own own image as well. So these were all in the in, in Maya, in my book. So that’s the advocate rescuer. The heroin adventurer is the second one of the 12. Now she is a fierce, independent warrior type woman. So I think, like the whole Wonder Woman energy, you know, she wants to run in and save women and Children and all that sort of stuff. She loves the great outdoors, and nature is her healing, and her grounding on it bounces out how fierce and independent she could be. So when she is focused on a target, which is quite frequently because she likes to win, she can be perceived externally as very competitive. She will often say I’m not that competitive, but to the outside world she looks like she’s the most competitive one of you know out when She’s so focused on the target, the goal or whatever it is that she’s looking to achieve. She can become linked to the rest of the world, and it’s like, literally ignores people. You know, if she’s a mother, the kids will be like, You know, Mama, we’re gonna have dinner tonight and she’s like, No, because I’ve got to get this project done. Like right now, it’s so everything else to get ignored. Self care is a big challenge for the heroin adventure And. I will frequently say to heroin adventures that I’ve profiled all that I’m working with, Tonto says, But I will suggest that they spend their literally scheduled time that involves everything outdoors. And I say, if whether it is the ocean a river, a lake, mountains, you know trees, whatever it is, go and spend time with your feet in the earth or in water on a regular basis, because it literally will ground you and help you to take away some of the intensity that you can have a different kinds Heron adventures often have pet dogs and. I actually think that’s a part of that is because it’s there. I guess they’re internal and night, knowing that having that type of a pit gets them outside gets them in nature.
That’s fascinating.
Yep, So that’s the heroin adventurer. The inspirer believer is the next one, so she’s a show that was a heroin adventure, and this is the inspirer believer, So she’s got a fiery energy. So in the image of the inspiring lots of flames in the background, it’s as much the flames of inspiration is. It is a warning about how quickly she can get burned or burnt out or burn herself out. So it seems horribly, that is the energetic AKA tot. She wants to be an inspiration in the world. She will frequently receive feedback to say that she is incredibly inspiring. I often find that really uncomfortable to get that feedback. It’s a really humble archetype, you know, like may. I’m not betting. No, I’m not inspiring. That’s just who I am. That’s just what I do. I was like, No inspiration. Believers are special. They’re they’re very they’re different and they do bring ah, lightness and an excitement to the world. I call them the Cheerleaders. This is one of my four archetypes. Absolutely love inspires a believer. She is the motivation behind all the cheering I do for my clients, you know, all day, every day. I even bought some pom poms recently because, like, everyone was like, You need to palm bombs. So I had to go and find something. I could literally be like a cheerleader. What? I’m on calls with people, which is really cool. You know, she’s an AK side that often is very creative. She’s intuitive. She needs to learn to trust your intuition, toe work with their creativity in a positive way. and to really own the fact that she is an inspiration because the more than an inspired believer can be inspired by who she is, what she’s creating, what she’s putting out in the world, the more inspiration for everybody. So you know, she is the archetype and that there’s so many of us in the business world, I think strongly that that is because we don’t cope so well in a regular and work environment. You know where we have to follow these guidelines and you know, their excitement levels are not tolerated, but we You know, we love platforms like Facebook and Instagram because we’re sharing stories and images and quotes, and that’s what we inspire belabor energy. But can get burned out very quickly. We have this incredible gift for being able to see the good. Another huge desire for them to see it themselves again lends itself beautifully to coaching. However, not everybody really cares that we can see so much great potential in them. That could be where we can burn ourselves out to feel really burnt out by people and our experiences. Do that seems.
Do they rely on other people’s feedback for that?
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No, not so much. I think that, you know, the inspirer believer really needs to tune into herself for her own feedback about energy. You know what she’s doing. Often she’s not very good at doing that, tuning into our own energy until there’s that one time too many where she allegedly ends up unwell, like having some sort of sickness. So it’s an archetype where I’ve often had women talk about having different health issues related to energy so they might have recurrent headaches or migraine. They might talk about adrenal fatigue, different things from a physical and an emotional perspective that make them feel like they’re literally wanting to crawl back into bed. You know, um, what I say that when it is, probably that could be It’s like the high high in the low low on when they’re in that space off what I call the mojo less moments when there’s no mojo. There’s no motivation, just one of them. What’s the point? Why bother like that sort of stuff? She could feel really out of character within herself because she’s used to being, you know, having this beautiful, optimistic, realistic view of the world where she’s a cheerleader and she could see the good and she wants to do good things. And she puts a lot of energy and excitement to things so she can feel really challenged by the other extreme. So it’s about learning. To Read that and balance it out. Definitely, let me move on so the Liberator engineer is the next archetype. This is another one of my four archetypes, so I mentioned her a little bit before. So the Liberator part is that she has a great love of and ability to create freedom for herself and others. Freedom is like everything for the Liberator engineer The engineer Part is the fact that this archetype has an incredible gift for being highly analytical. She concedes the big picture, and she also understands all the moving parts of something so she loves systems framework solutions, building things I would suggest with your love of technology, you possibly have this archetype Megan. You know, this is the one that is behind my creating frameworks like this and all sorts of different things. I love creating all sorts of different processes and systems and things to do with my clients. All that, like, it’s just an endless thing that I do. I spent a large part of my corporate career before I stepped into my business, a senior project manager. So again, project plan, you know, the big picture and all the moving parts. I loved building those plans, my mother was always colorful, which was a different thing entirely. Not necessarily accepted. But, you know, I love them. And that was how it worked for me. So analytical, we you know, we there’s a big a lot of thinking going on. This is a very intellectual archetype, picks up concepts and can really make sense of them very quickly. So there’s a great intelligence in here, but there’s also a deep intensity. This is an architect that feels as well on. She can get to the point where she’s not taking care of her own freedom, which she can get, You know, the complexity of the engineering and over go from I feel quite free. Now I don’t know what feels terrible, and I feel like I’ve trapped myself in. She’s not taking care of that. She can either implode on again, have issues with illness or explode on that. What that comes of like is I always say it’s volcanic in nature. It can literally be like I’m just standing, just scream or you just want to break something. I think it’s all over and you feel good, like the pressure cooker going off often those types of things so only shared with our nearest and dearest. So the people we live with and that we feel safe to express in that way because to the outside world, mostly writer engineers look like they’re pretty cool, calm and they got all the you got all this shit together and they’re all good. But that intensity can be going on, which is an interesting thing, because again it can feel really strange is like I just had to let that out. I don’t know where that came from, Liberator engineer. Okay, I feel that was one of your archetypes. Very interesting but I have it. I know I love it. I’ve learned to love it, but I’ve also spent a lot of time working with this archetype for myself in really tuning into my freedom on board, tuning into all the little flags that come up, let’s say or this isn’t This isn’t good. This is We’re not going the right direction here. I know I spent a large part of my teenage years of high school with recurrent migraine like headaches would be so frequent. And I feel now, in retrospect, now I know about all of this. That was my body taking over and saying, You need a break like you. You know, your academic and you’re trying to do this and you’re trying to do that. You’re trying to achieve too much, and you’re not taking care of yourself. You’re not doing anything that’s creative, which is actually a big important thing for me to be doing. And I think my Liberator engineer was orchestrating a break for me every month.
That is so fascinating. I went to high school and had migraines, and it’s what? This is just a story that I was in the gifted programs in high school, which, but I would get really terrible grades I would get, like C’s and D’s. And my teachers would say to my mom like she’s not being challenged. She’s just bored with all of this and so this is also crazy. This is Wow.
Here I can see a Liberator Engineer Scott, so the mediator diplomat is the next one to the mediator. Diplomat often finds herself in the middle of things, she’s very practical, very grounded, very matter of fact about the way she approaches the world. This is the no nonsense archetype I’m like even Elia today. I was on my call with some women who just finished a program with me called magnetism, which is really about embodying your archetypes for more visibility and new business. And she has four really intense archetypes that are really, she thinks a lot. She does a lot. She’s and then she’s got the inspirer believer archetype, but she doesn’t get she couldn’t get the whole excitable, energetic aspect of the inspirer believer and it was definitely influenced by the media. The diplomat who is a bit like the There’s another friend, a kind of mine and friend of mine, now has said, that media diplomats like the fun killer. She takes all the goodness, all the good stuff out of my life because she’s so practical And so, matter of fact, I’m gonna make sure all these things work. But, she says, also the archetype of the truth teller. So if something is not fair, right, just or equal in her world or the world of someone else, someone she knows all the world at large, she wants to do something about that. So she’s all about. Let’s we want to right those wrongs That’s not okay. So she can be very yes, very practical, very matter of fact. Got to sort things out, and it can be very black and white in the world and find herself feeling like she doesn’t know how. She sort of fits. Even though she’s the mediator in The Diplomat and she’s able to be the conduit between two parties and come up with a solution, she also has confinement that she doesn’t quite fit because there’s so many of us in the world. A Zeiss, often the gray were not black and white were not as direct as a media diplomat convey. So it’s a really interesting, interesting archetype. It’s relatively common. I find a lot of women in business, and I sort of theory behind that is that again, they didn’t cope well being in the employee world because they weren’t able to use their voice and to take action on the things that were important to them. Whereas they can use their business as a vehicle, in fact it is important. That they do use their business as a vehicle for those things that they want to shine the truth on you Shine the light of truth on, also now act like there’s incredible listening skills. So people love to spend time with her because they know that she will listen to them and they’ll feel good. So she confined herself again in the middle, Mediate, a diplomat. The mentor teacher is the next archetype again common archetype. I find a lot in women in business. The mental teacher has a huge love of learning. It is formal learning going and doing courses, programs, and getting qualifications. But we also love to learn. So I say we because this is one of my archetypes. We love to learn the lessons life has to offer us, so whatever that is, we just want more learning more and more and more and more things. The important thing for a mental teacher is to do these key things. For her to really acknowledge, it’s about implementing what she learns, taking action on the learning but also acknowledging that she arrives on this Earth with incredible wisdom. So mental teachers come here knowing stuff. Already, we can often spend our lifetime trying to prove what we innately know on this is where that whole. Yes, we love learning, but we’re going to go and get a complication, have a piece of paper to prove something that we actually innately know. So I love working with mental teachers around them, really embodying and really trusting the knowing on listening to that internal wisdom and teaching because teaching is going to be a part of their business teaching from that place of wisdom, not we’ll look at all the qualifications I’ve got to prove if they’re doing that that’s telling me that they’re not trusting their wisdom, but they’re incredible guides for transformation. People come to mentor teachers because we know things. If we don’t know, we will go on the journey with them to find out because we want to know someone’s after something we don’t know, don’t know. We need to find out, so again fabulous, aka Todd the mother nurturer is the next one. To the mother nurture archetype is much as I guess you can come up with an idea or an image of what a mother nurture is about. This is that you know that woman that she often does have a family if she doesn’t have an actual literal family of her own business, maybe like the thing that she’s mothering she may like. I know a lot of mother nurtures that have not had their own Children, even though they wanted to, and they end up fostering or adopting kids like this. You know, they go volunteer in a place where there’s lots of Children, so they love to have Children around them. They love to have family on. They will take anyone that they have some interaction with and feel akin to, and those people become part of their family. Whether it’s a blood relation or not, they just approach the world like a big hug. That mothering aspect of them can also sometimes be very smothering. My mom has this archetype, and I was describing to my niece last year, Ruby, who was just 15, and she was trying to get this sense of what, you know, what does What do you mean when you say nanny is another nurture? And I said, Do you know how sometimes we feel like we’re just like this? We loved too much, she goes and I said, That’s it, she goes, Oh, you know, it’s like she got that whole, I feel that like and I said, and it feels a bit too much like you’re being smothered. She goes, Yes said, that’s the mother nurture. So you know, I’ve got very independent archetypes. There’s some interesting dynamics of my mom trying to hold me in and keep me close and safe. Growing up. The mother nurtures love to have or their perceived family, the literal and perceived family around them that I have to feed them. They’ll have to support them and really understand the family dynamic and how important family assumption is critical for them to do that in their business. Well they know they don’t tend to be good themselves. Care they can spend a lot of time doing a lot of. But it’s all for the family. It’s for this self or whatever. Also, self care is really keeping so for a number of years, I would, for example, in a birthday or a ah holiday time, I will take my mom somewhere and do something like Go to the Spar or do something with her, where she stops and she looks after herself as opposed to buying her something, it’s a changing the dynamic of the gift there, we’re getting their network of connector is the next one? Totally. There’s 12 of there is a big conversation in your episode for you. So the networker connector is that friend that we all have that knows everybody. You know, we’ve always known someone who seems to know everyone if they don’t know everyone. The person that we want to meet knows someone who knows them like that facility, the network connector is also a social butterfly. She loves being out and about. She’s often very extroverted or perceived to be very extroverted. She can be very disconnected from herself. That’s all about the superficial in the outside world and can be really disconnected and fund it really uncomfortable to spend time with herself doing nothing. No, it’s like it’s all about the next invitation to the next thing she loves and has a real gift for connecting other people. So, for example, if we’re talking about she’s going to a Nen person networking event, it’s like she’ll walk into the room and scan the space and go Who do I know who’s here that I don’t yet know? But I want to know on who can I connect together and they just love. They have this ability just to, so I am. That person needs to meet that person. They just make that happen. They also find that a lot of people like to have them around because of who they know, and they people will come to them looking for introductions, and they’ll usually do those quite freely when it comes to them act ually benefiting from their incredible valuable network themselves. They confined that really uncomfortable and be really unsure about that, you know, and I just having again conversation recently with a network connector who’s in my membership. And she’s, you know, she’s about to publish her second book and she was struggling with s a promotional aspect of it, and she would get weeks previously she’d been telling me about this person. She knows it was a really influential influence locally, and I said, Well, why don’t you reach out to her and talk to her about something and, you know, get her to share Your upcoming book launch with her community And she goes, I could never do that like a classic networking connector. It’s like, How many times does this woman come to you and ask you to do something? Because all the time and I went there you go ask her. The worst you can say is no. But if you don’t ask, it’s always know. So that’s a network you connect, are all right. So we got four more to go hanging in there.
I’m loving every minute of this. This is so fascinating. What a lot of it is. A lot of the weaknesses are not the weaknesses, but a lot of the challenges women might have is either external praise or internal. It’s so fascinating.
There’s a lot of that. You know, every one of them has a growing version of lack of self care, but its lack of self care in different aspects. So every one of them has a belief pattern. It’s I’m not something enough like that. I’m not enough. But there’s a word that goes in there before that. For each of them. A swell so the pioneer seeker is the next one. So the pioneer aspect of the pioneer seeker speaks to the fact that she is the woman of first she goes. It goes out there like we talk about marketing terminology. The early adopter. That’s a pioneer secret. You know, they’re doing something and you go to your friend who is a pioneer. Second go. I just discovered this really cool thing and you go. I did that four years ago. You know, that sort of thing? What do you mean? It’s new like, that’s old news and piney thing is it? You know, they’ve been there. They’ve done it. They tried it. They do not like conforming. This is the disruptor. Archetypal likes to push the boundaries. And if someone says do it this way, she’s definitely not going to do it that way. Not a chance, even if she can see. And she’s got other archetypes that are supporting you to know that that path or that process or that thing could be really useful just on principle, she won’t unless she did it first. So when I launched through effective school last year, and I did the first group of students for the certifications reflector profiling, there were two pioneer seekers on a visionary creator off the four first four students ever in that program on both of the pioneer seekers in their application to be said to me, If I don’t get in this time, I’m not doing it like, you know, because if I’m not first, I don’t. I’m not interested.
Wow. They were so just blunt about it.
Completely blunt about it and thank goodness I knew there for what their archetype is with was prepared for that other things about pioneer seekers year they disrupt. They can be very cheeky and have a really sassy part of them. Sometimes, though, that can go. It’s like a fine line between being cheeky and playful and actually being quite offensive. They can offend a lot of people. Some of the more sensitive archetypes, like Mother nurtures and advocates rescuers can find the pioneer seeking a way too much and it’s like the pioneers sticky consort sussed about in a group and go, that’s easy prey. They’re going to be fun to play with like this toy that I do it to be mean to be spiteful, but it just sort of happens. It’s in here. That’s often and that’s often too, because they’re bored. They’re bored with the status quo. They don’t want to be sitting in a room full of everyone doing the same thing over and over. They are just so bored by that. Now the seeker aspect of the pioneers seekers speaks to the fact that the pioneer secret is looking to belong in the world. She wants to be original and unique and independent, but she also really wants to belong. So she’s going out there literally, externally, looking for all of the treasure in the world and all the great things that make her who she is. It says. On the bottom of all the images, there’s a little message. And for the piney secrets are looked within for the treasure, her natural instinct is to go external. This one really needs to go internal. In fact, this is the one architect That’s the I’m not good enough for this one, it’s a big limiting belief pattern. No, but she’s fun. She’s fun to have around. She would challenge you. She’ll disrupt you. She’ll break things. One of my graduate profilers was in that first cohort of students and certification, the pioneer seeker on a Liberator engineer. So that Liberator of the Engineer was always engineering things. And we just give Jenny any piece of software and guarantee if someone’s going to break it, she will so they can’t be good for that. They get good at testing things. Okay, so the Queen ruler is the next time we talk about the Queen Waller, since they’re really good archetypes, much as her name suggests she has incredible leadership potential. She often wants to lead on a very large scale. Whether she does that or not is a whole other thing. But she has the potential inability to lead on a very large scale. So a lot of the entrepreneur women out there that talk about empire building and having masses of followers it’s cranial or energy. There’re a lot of them in the entrepreneurial world, but it’s also the women that are out there like top corporations and those sorts of things. They like to have a lot of people around them. They like to outsource. In fact, they tend to outsource as much as they can of their life and their business and their work. Because the queen has subjects essentially, you know, they love beauty there, often great designers, so their home and their work environment. It’s very palatial. It doesn’t mean that it’s large or like a palace, But it is beautiful. It’s organized. The queen ruler likes the very best of everything, so quality is an important turn. Now. That doesn’t mean she’s materialistic. She would much rather have fewer things to have the very best of something. and so she can be incredibly compassionate as a leader, she can also get caught in her ego. So the ego things, the thing to be aware of. If a queen will feel threatened by anything, anyone, whether it be a single person or an organization, something she can be very quick to make a decision and execute that thing or person or light or whatever from her life is like that done to move on so she can make decisions quickly. Intends to do those without emotion, which can leave some people going. What just happened? I thought we were friends last week, and the Queen rulers decided that doesn’t You don’t have a Blakes anymore in her life. Sounds callous, but it’s true. You know, I thought I have a lot of queen rulers in my network. A lot of friends who were queen rulers. Which is interesting because Liberator engineer archetype, that freedom of the Liberator has a gift for being an embassy straight through ego. And sometimes Liberator and Jason criminals don’t get on so well because criminals don’t get what it isn’t that we literally as Liberator and genes, we can see through their ego. So I know I had lots of interesting interesting with air quotes. Experience has been always in corporate with different quinoa women. And I never knew why this was long before I created this. And now I’m like now I get it. I was just a threat to them, and they didn’t know why, but we’re one screen rulers can work us out, and they know that we’re actually there to support them. They can be cool. And I’ve got one really good friend of mine now who says to me frequently, eat One of the best things about you is the fact you’re your liberation engineer because when I can’t work something out, I just get you to do it. I just wait. I pushed back to her now and said no. I will give you some help, but I want to know the evidence that you’ve tried first., so she did and she would like Greg Lee that I’ll never execute you. You’re too important and valuable to me. And as a friend And she goes, Yes, of course, as a friend, but they know they like it. They want the red carpet experience all the time. That’s just how they are and they can. You know, they interact with the world with the sense of presence and importance. And sometimes that can be too ego driven. Sometimes it’s just a like, you know, like, this is good and that can be incredibly fascinating women to be around. I love watching them in business when they own the queenly part of themselves and what they can do with that, you know, and for all the times that they’ll say, I know we don’t really want to build a big following or don’t they do. They really do.
Okay, so the shape shifter alchemists the second last one that we’re going to talk about. Of the 12, she is the chameleon of the archetypes of the shapeshifter talks to the fact that she’s incredibly fluid and flexible and adaptable. She chops and changes herself. She could often get really lost in who she is and lost in her place in the world because, well, who would you like me to be today? You know, I just show up and I’ll just be so fluid that you have decided to know who I am, which is a really interesting thing to see in business, how that can show up in businesses having multiple businesses or so many different aspects to the different things that they do in business. That the audience out there so you and I is the potential market for what they’re selling is like I don’t know what she actually does or last week, she I’m sure she was doing that last week, and now she’s doing this. And you know, those two things are so far apart that there’s a doubt in our mind about the credibility off who she is and what she could do, even though she probably is amazing at all of those things, so that you know the phrase multimodal or, you know, having lots of different arms to business and all those sorts of things multi multi potentials, multifaceted. You know, you know, all these different strange for your phrases that come up all the time. That means that you do a lot of stuff and you’ve got a lot of tools to build. A lot of women that are. The healing and health and wellness space often have this archetype as well. I found one again. Now all of you know that love. There’ll be a meditation teacher. There’ll be a Yogi, there’ll be a Rocky, they’ll do this. So you know, they’ve got 50 things and then they do this on the side. You know that the sort of shapes with your alchemists, mystical and magical people find them very elusive. And they love the fact that people can’t quite pin them down and work out who they are. They can often really glorify that, which is not necessarily a good thing, because in business we need to be clear about who we are and to be able to convey that and communicate that really clearly to people, you know, and I marketing. We can’t be 500 versions of the same person. You know, We’ve got to give people a chance to, God know, like and trust. And if we’re chopping and changing all the time, that’s not gonna happen. Now. The alchemist part of this archetype speaks to the fact that she has a gift for manifesting everything. So if she’s not clear about who she is grounded and focused on what she wants in the world, she can end up manifesting things that she would say are really bad experiences. I have worked with women who just like I hate this archetype because all they do is have crap happened in my life. And so again, we’ll work with a mindset. We work on reframing things that work on getting them really clear about what they actually want on working to do things to support that so they can then turn the alchemist on in the best possible way and, you know, be the master manifested. Then they’ll go, I know that just happens, you know, without even hardly thinking about that, put the intention out there and just came to life. This is the one archetype that women that don’t have it tend to be envious of because they want that manifest. Like I want to do that. I want that gift, the magic for a shape shooter. Alchemist is really important. Part of this archetype seems incredibly important that any sharpshooter alchemist has much magic in her day as possible. That’s magic by her own definition. When I use that frozen with a straight shooter because they always get it like, I love magic. You know where I will say that to another act up like a media diplomat who is not also a sharpshooter office. Now go magic. That’s not well. You don’t do magic, yes it was magic. What’s magic? I don’t know what that is. That’s not scientific. It’s not, You know it’s not practical. Created all this can also sometimes unless they show Futurama squiggles can sometimes feel like all magical. That’s not very regal. You know, you’re gonna get a shape too, to archivist Queen Ruler. And she is the magical queen, you know. So So So the shape that Iraq must be clear on what makes you feel magic or what feels magical to you and put as much of that into your days and weeks and months and years as you can That will help to help you be grounded in a way that you are and keep your alchemist working for you Positively a big deep breath.
Like the last one, the visionary creator. So this is the fourth of My four archetypes is not one that I see very commonly and women in business. So I remember that I have profiled 5 600 women now over all these years on, majority of them have been women in business. So it’s not to suggest that this actor it’s not common in the world, but not in the business community of women that I have profiled. So the show, the visionary creator has an incredible gift for vision. And when I say that it’s that she is a visionary thinker, so like the pioneer seeker who was very innovative, I’m wanting to do things first. The visionary creator is not only the one who does that but it takes the pioneer seeker gift of off their being innovative to a whole different level. Visionary Creator sees into the future and is very futuristic in the way she interacts with the world essentially and can struggle to stay in the here and now. So I use my other archetypes, particularly the mental teacher in the libretto engineer who could be very grounded to help anchor this archetype in the Creator. Part of the visionary Creator is a gift for turning those visions into reality. so again. I use the creator part to ground me and keep me present in this moment because sometimes I’m just daydreaming, often to the world. Can we do it now? What can we bring to life next? So can sometimes the challenge, because there is a constant creative process going on in the brain theme, the other way for a visionary to ground herself much like the church shooter or confuses magic. The visionary creditors are important that she does some form of creative expression or artistic expression. So my painting that I’ve done my whole life that was me grounding this archetype.
I don’t do it enough, but it is important and I do know that if I get to a point where I’m not trusting what I know, which is not trusting my vision where I get clear, Doug where So where I’m lacking clarity and I can’t see I get very frustrated by the brighter engineer wants to have a meltdown every now and again. I know that if I just literally go and I spend time even just getting ah, colored pencil and just coloring in for a bit, it’s just going to bring me all back to center, it is also a very strategic archetype. Very good with business. Um, just you know, she just processes information in that sort of strategic visionary way. So again, this is an archetype. When people get to know that I have this, there’s all sorts of weird and wonderful things that have happened. One of my favorites, and it happens frequently is someone will come in the book for a session, although wanna have a conversation with me, and they’re like, Tell me what you can see is possible for my future. Like I’m not a fortune teller. That’s not what this is about. But trust me, If I get a sense vision like a sense of what’s possible for you, I will share it with you. I don’t I don’t hold back on that, you know, even if I’m sort of a paying client, if I get a sense of what’s possible on, I love that this was the inspire, A believer who they get to be The excited dear Leader can really give people that sense of confidence, you know, it gives it guess it creates the dynamic and holds a space for them to build their own confidence to go, you know what? I could try that, I could do that. Yes, I want to do that. So I love those. The combination of those archetypes together has been such a gift for me, in a joy for the way.
That I work with my clients that’s me myself in so many of them.
Yes, so you probably have the shapeshifter as well, Megan. The fact that you have colored hair like you do shapeshifters. That’s one clue for anyone who’s out there in the world and not really sure if someone likes to color, they’re here or like, fancy dress or you know, chops and changes literally have different wardrobes, depending on whether they’re meeting their family or their friends or they’re, you know, work colleagues, a shapeshifter.
So interesting and that kind of nice. So you said that you know, you’ve profiled over 600 women and on average, if I’m getting this right on average, people have up to four archetypes. Is that right?
Now they tend to. That tends to be four or five. So if a woman has the shape of future arguments you’ll have. She probably will have five archetypes, possibly six.
So because of the chameleon nature of her, she’s got a more complex dynamic in her personality.
Do you think that on average, work in harmony with each other or the combat are competitive or is the goal to be in harmony?
The goal is to be in harmony. Now That’s not always going to happen. What I say when I’m profiling in the early time of working with someone with that woman with her profile and her archetypes, I would say, Look at them like your new bunch of best girlfriends. Sometimes you’re going to get on. It’s gonna be great harmony and lots of fun. Lots of putting. Lots of you know, you all have all the good vibes on. Then someone is going to feel left out. Well, someone’s going. Want to go and do something different, you know, and there’s going to be a little bit of disharmony. So within And this this makes so much sense to may now think about and all the psychology study and all the work I did when I was studying therapy and counseling that, you know, we often confel like this Part of us within that don’t get on or they’re like clashing together. This is like the different parts of us by the nature of the different archetypes. So say, for example, my inspire a believer can get so excited about what my visionary crowd just decided we’re bringing to life next that I can burn myself out and then my Liberator engineer feels terrible because I’m not feeling free when I’m exhausted and then my mentor teacher can stop actually trusting her wisdom and think, that’s right, That’s okay. We just need to go and learn a new thing, and then we’ll be all good. so it’s, But when I am embodied in my wisdom, when I am using my engineering to create freedom, when I am only the inspiration that I create when I am using my creative part of my mind, I keep my vision clear and strong. Where we got harmony were Inara Phyllis’ success, so there are archetypes that naturally get on better. There’s archetypes that naturally clash. And yes, we could have those within us.
Interesting. That so for me. And I think I know the answer to this already. But when do you recommend people come to you for this
Azaleas possible? Yes. I said, you know, anyone who’s just curious at this point in time. You follow the link that I know that Megan you you’ll share on the show notes that will take them, take the for that first step assessment of the threat for to edge If they want to really, truly get to know this, their archetypes And they can certainly local profiling session with myself for one of the graduate profilers. So these ladies are incredible. I wouldn’t have let them even come in to do the certification if they weren’t, and they will bring something slightly different. So, you know, on the profile of pay and they’re listening on the throat factor website, which is the throw factor dot com, you will see some of their interests they like, you know, Caroline for example, is a money interest. So the throw factor profile debrief. We’ll have a money mindset sort of influence on it. You know, Jenny loves leadership. Kim is in two minds that transformation. Karen does a whole lot of different amazing, you know, transformational work. You know, Els does stuff with it. She’s a business online business manager and is very systematic and you know so little about different interests in their businesses. Some of them work with women in business, some of them work with women, so you know, they’re all different backgrounds and if anyone wants to take it even deeper, as I said, throwing effective profiling or knowing your archetypes is the first step in every single thing that I do. So if you like, wanna come and look for C with the latest program or work that I’m doing or consider joining the traffic in the circle is my membership. You will get to know you. You have to know your archetype, so you just are not part of the conversation. So yes, there’s lots of different ways, but you know it is only possible because this is another. There’s a tangible tool based in cycle, you know, on psychology, psychological principles, archetypal psychological principles that will give you so much value to knowing who you are and being able to rely on that so you can build your confidence. You can build resilience. You can get clear on who you are. You can make better decisions. You can make those choices that help you to be in your fill of success, owned by using your strengths. And then when the challenges come up, you’re like, that’s okay. That’s just part of who I am. Well, one of the biggest words that women have shared with me and feedback when they’ve been profiled. It just was. It sort of came in an increasing wave around the time that I published the trifecta book, and this is the second book that I’ve published on this. But the first one is no longer in print because the trifecta book, you know, just the other one didn’t need to be out there in the world anymore. This was the bigger the Bible is. Someone called her. But the word permission was the word that came up again and again and feedback and I was like, I feel like I’ve got permission to be may feel like I’ve got permission next time that thing happens that I thought was what was broken or wrong with me. I’ve got permission to go. That’s the way I am. That’s okay, but there’s nothing wrong with me. It’s part of who I am, like a love, that sort of stuff. So that, to me, was such such a gift to hear that word again and again, you know, to, have, you know, the privilege of sitting across from a woman and while she’s got tears coming down her cheeks and I’m saying What’s going on? And she’s like, I actually like myself. I’ve seen herself, for a hole in a whole new light All of a sudden, a beautiful I know. So this sort of stuff. So it’s just, you know, that I will never tire of that. You know, I am literally on a mission. To change the way that women interact with themselves in the world, I don’t take this gift that I’ve been given to bring this forward lightly and. That’s why I started through a factor school in the third vacation. I want to train as many women as I can around the world in, you know, to become profilers so that we can, you know, I have. You know, like we talk about what you Myers Briggs, you know, profile or what? You this or what? You that I want Women at some point in the world, maybe beyond my lifetime, I don’t know. But I want them to, you know, bump into each other in the street and talk about their throat factor archetypes just like it’s common language. And for younger women to have this to Like I said, I’ve got nieces here in their teams. Mid sort attains 14 and nearly 16, and I’ve been talking to them about their archetypes since they were little. They just know how to approach the world differently because of it.
That’s beautiful and so healthy.
Yes, exactly. We don’t have to keep, you know, perpetuating the way that we all grew up and didn’t have support. And, you know, just literally a couple of weeks ago, my mom has been, uh, doing a trip, and she was away with There was something she said there was, like, 12 participants, and there was a couple that ran this. It was like an overland thing on a little mini coach where I’m based in the world We’re very lucky that we’ve got thank goodness little off the virus and the US state. Our state border is closed so we can travel within our state. And so she was away and she messaged me. It was like the second last day before she was wrapping up the trip and she’s like, I need to talk to you and it’s like this real urgency And, you know, she’s a mother nurture and she’s also cranial A. So I did call her the Queen Mother. So you don’t you don’t you don’t ignore the Queen Mother . I was like, Why? What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Because nothing’s wrong. I just need to try and get to understand the archetypes of this woman who’s running this trip was like, What do you mean? Firstly, I was in shock because this is like 10, 11 years. I’ve been working with this, and that’s the first time she said to me, I need to understand the archetypes of this woman, and it was in a good way and I said, Why? What’s going on? She goes, well, she’s really upset a lot of people and I can’t work out why. And I was telling some of the other ladies that you have this thing that helps women to understand themselves and helps us to understand each other. So I was going to check with you and see if we could work out what she could be on within Mom, describing to me a couple of the key behaviors that she’d been witnessing for the last 10 days of this particular woman who was one of the leaders, we were able to work out potentially two or three of her archetypes. Now two of those three potential archetypes once and my mom has and Mom said to me, I don’t find her like that at all. But everyone else she’s pissed everyone else off in this way and this way and this way. And I was like, The thing is that why it doesn’t it doesn’t disconnect with you is because you have the same archetypes, because Mom’s like it’s been so bizarre because she’s knowing she’s annoyed people. She’s come to me and sort of, you know, you sort of talked to me and like I was on an ally and I said, because she’s recognizing parts of herself in you, So I was like, it was beautiful experience, but firstly, I had to get over the shock of Mama actually asking me. Finally, it’s like it only took over a decade of me talking about this, but yes, we’ve got it, that’s amazing that
I have said there are so many questions for you, but we’re running out of time, and I’m fascinated. I’m just amazed by all of this. But where can people reach you if they have more questions?
Okay, so the easiest way to do that is certainly to follow the link that I have given you, which is, I think it’s all my links for less. Shannon, you’ve got that one to share with everybody, that is probably the easiest way to go. To jump onto that. But other key places I like to spend time online. I love Instagram in my main profile, where I also do talk a lot about the throw fighter. Is Shannon underscored by the throw factor? and on Facebook, If you follow the thrill factor page. And if you are a woman in business and you want to join a group. I know there’s a lot of groups out there, but, you know, if you feel drawn to be more a part of this sort of conversation, then magnetic business growth is the way that you’ll find me. So all those links around that moment that you’ve got to share with everyone, Megan, but you get off the trifecta, you’ll find it. My books are available. You know, if you’re in Australia, New Zealand directly from me anywhere else in the world. Amazon Book Depository. Anyone in the UK so easily available. So okay, that’s our fact. You shouldn’t find anything else under you that has dominated you.
Carve your space eyes there anything else that you think people should know before we end today?
I think the one of the key things I really want women to really embody for themselves is that you can thrive in whatever way works for you. So get clear on what your definition of thriving is and then be committed to, like, make a declaration to whoever you need to make it to, but most definitely to yourself that you were going to do what you can to support yourself to try, because when you do that, everyone around you will thrive.
Beautiful people.
Thank you. Shannon.
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