Season 4 Episode 31: How to Create a Quiz for Lead Gen that Doesn’t Suck with Juliet Clark


Quizzes for lead generation – yay or nay?

Find out how to create a quiz that doesn’t suck from 6-time author and speaker Juliet Clark in this episode.

1:30 Juliet’s back story

18:06 anatomy of quizzes

32:44 recommendation to look at quiz

More Juliet Clark:

Lead Logic Quiz –

Promote Profit Publish Quiz –


Hello, everyone, welcome to Stop Sucking at Business, I am so glad you’re here today because the woman I was I am speaking to and that you’ll hear is going to be my new best friend because we were talking before and she’s just badass. I I’m really excited for you to hear from her. I’m speaking with Juliet Clark and Juliet is a six-time author, speaker, and podcast, or who has spent the last 20 years helping authors, coaches, speakers and small businesses all over the world.

Billed expert audiences, corporate companies and author speaker incubators worldwide have benefited from Juliets unique and effective process of mastering lead generation and qualification for expert status. That is so impressive and I can’t believe I was able to read the whole thing without missing.

Well, you did a fabulous job and I need to update that. I’ve actually written seven books now. I have a book that last summer and I guess I just never added it.

Well, that’s that was your Segway into getting us interested about the seventh book because it wasn’t mentioned before. So now we have to take time to mention it. OK, Julia, we figured out the marketing strategy for you. You’re good.

OK, fantastic. Thank you.

So let us start at the beginning of this ridiculously impressive career. How did you start getting into this?

So right out of college, I worked at Preston Sloan Publishing, which I don’t even know who they are anymore. Publishing companies have been gobbled up by bigger ones over and over and over and HP books. I actually had a degree in horticulture and HP books, does gardening books, home improvement books, things like that. So that’s where I started. So I knew what went on in the inner workings of a traditional publishing company. And from there I went over to advertising and I worked on the regional account for Nissan, which is a it was back then back in the 80s, late 80s, early 90s, a billion dollar account.

They had split up into regional and national. And so that there I learned a lot of marketing, needless to say, advertising a product like that. But I think for the purposes of what we’re going to talk about today, market research, being interested in, are people interested in your ideas as an entrepreneur. So from there, what did I do from there? From there I went to Mattel toys and after Mattel toys. I actually love this.

I was going to be a stay at home mom. We had moved from Manhattan Beach out to Valencia because my husband had gotten a transfer and I decided I was going to stay home. We had two kids. I was traveling a lot and for my job and I decided I was going to stay home. That lasted about two weeks and I was going to die like, oh, my God, this is hard. This is really, really hard to stay home with.

Look, I love my kids, but I hated my kids for those, like a week and a half is Planoly like three days into it. I was like, oh, my God, I hate my life. So I got a real estate license and I actually was one of the top realtors at Realty Executives in Santa Clarita. So I knew how to market. I zoomed up to the top pretty quickly in in that area. And then in two thousand seven, I was going through a really ugly, ugly divorce and everybody was acting like children, all the adults.

I mean, not that the children were expected to. And so I always wanted to write a mystery novel. And I sat down and I wrote players and I killed my ex husband in it.

How cathartic. Holy shit.

I love to go cathartic. And to be honest, like you guys can see, I sort of have blond hair. I would not have looked good in an orange jumpsuit, so better to do it. In the book. I always tell people if felons had worn Royal Blue, this story would have turned out differently. But I don’t look good in orange. So that was that was the entree back into publishing. And that that was I was exploring self publishing and I thought, you know what, I’ve been on the inside of traditional publishers.

This will be easy peasy. And what I found was a really what I would call corrupt model. And by that, what I mean is they were marking up the books on the back end, which takes royalties away from the author. And the reason I hated that was because self publishing you pay to have your book published. So for me, it was like an. I want to keep I don’t think he goes, I just learned Kinko’s isn’t in the city or from the Harris thing, but Office Depot or any of those places where you get a business card and you say, hey, design me a business card.

And so they design it for you, they print them, and then they hand you the box and they say, oh, by the way, we’re going to take 50 percent of anything you sell. And I thought, what an awful said a crappy business model. So that’s where we started with Super, my second book. And I got because I wrote several mystery novels that was also very cathartic, but in a different way. We we started where you pay up front.

We don’t mark up the back, end your royalties or your royalties. For most authors, this is the culmination of their life’s work. And how dare a publisher, a self publisher, take a piece of that? So that’s that’s how we got back into this.

I’m just blown away, I’m blown away by how prolific you have been and cathartic was the way you channel your energy, that’s you’re like my hero.

I read a lot of my. So don’t get on my bad side.

Well, that is I just thinking of all the therapy co-pays I’ve had in my life and I could have just I know I love it and I’m like this really quickly. But the last book, which was actually about my process and my children who had never read my books, they’re adults now and they’ve never read any of my mystery novels. I’m just mom to them. And what was funny was my daughter picked up that on the counter. She read the story in front and she calls her father and she’s like, well, I’ll tell you this.

Well, if he wasn’t a dick, we wouldn’t have this problem.

And he knows he’s a dick. He tells people all the time, I just tolerate him.

Well, so you have all of the street cred and you start helping people with getting these books out and actually earning an income from their books, but what I love and what I want to talk with you about is how you’re able to actually vet these people and make sure that they’re paying attention to not only the. They are paying attention to the work that has to be done and not just the shiny object of I have a book and everything will be wonderful because everybody loves books.

And you do that through quizzes, right?

Part of that is our Quispe process, so one of the things that I found early on, and you and I just discussed this, was that everybody is very invested in digital and bookselling, as with course selling or anything else requires relationships. And clicking on a digital clicking through a funnel is not going to build those relationships. So what we found was we had people bringing us books. This was probably two thousand fourteen twenty fifteen that would bring us books.

And we’d say, why did you write this book? And the answer we got over and over was, Oh, I went to So and So’s business built this 15 day event when and when I mentioned that my products and services weren’t selling, they said, Oh, it’s because you don’t have a book. And I was totally like, that’s bullshit. It’s because you don’t have an audience or marketing. I’m so glad you gave me permission because I was watching my P’s and Q’s.

And what we did is we came across a quiz platform and two thousand sixteen that allowed you to query your audience on and actually have them self evaluate where they’re at in the process of what you teach. So on a scale of one to 10, are you doing this or are you not doing this? And 10 is success. And when we started using that process, people started to get that it was the product that wasn’t selling, and it was because people either weren’t invested in it or they didn’t know what it took to be successful in whatever you were teaching.

So we started using the quiz platform ourself. The reason we jumped into it was not just for that, it was because of the commitment section in it that runs three autoresponder in the background. I was tired of talking to broadcast. People get on and they’d say, Can you tell me how to how to publish on Amazon? Would you want to publish on Amazon? That’s the worst platform ever to publish your book on for multiple reasons. And then we’d find out that they were doing it.

They didn’t have money, that there were just all of these things. And so I was talking to broadcast people all day. So we moved in and we started using this quiz which told us who was high commitment, who was sort of a medium commitment and who was a low commitment person. And we started create we started talking to the high commitment people only. So now we had people who were telling us through the quiz that they were one hundred percent committed to solving the problem.

We saw they also were willing to spend money to solve this problem and that they would like to set up an appointment to talk to us to move to the next step. Once we started using that for ourselves, we started to talk. It was brilliant. We started talking to people who wanted to buy from us. But even bigger, we turned around and we started using that platform with our own clients that were coming to us saying before we go to a best seller list, before we get this book published, let’s build an audience, because this book is really, for all intents purposes, a loss leader.

You’re not going to get a million people to go over and spend 20 bucks on a book and retire to the island next to Richard Branson’s. That’s not going to happen. We’re going to have an audience to read that book. And by the way, when you’re talking to these people now, you have the opportunity to get verbal feedback about what these people think of your products and services that you are selling. And we had so many people and we actually had this happen for ourselves where we revamped a product that was nine ninety seven where people could just click and buy it.

We went back to those people and we actually talked to them. We pick up the phone because we had their phone numbers. That’s one of the things you get in the quiz and people give it to you because they want their results. Who picked up the phone? We talked to the people who bought that product and we said what would make it better? And unanimously, people were like, if we had a program where we can actually talk to you, if we had a program where we could learn more and get a deep dove, we were in a little bit more of teaching like baby digital.

We’re back at that point. And so we did. We said, hey, if we added three thousand dollars to this program and met once a week for six months, would you be interested? And people did immediately we upgraded and then we started selling that program for thirty nine, ninety seven. And it’s been our biggest program to date. So it was one of those things where we used our own, our own process to not only change and reformat our business.

We were in a position to help others do that as well, the way that you have used quizzes in my mind is so revolutionary, because when you think of it, all the marketing gurus talking about you need to use a quiz. You need to make this quiz. I get the point of them, I get the point of like the buzz fitness aspect of personality quizzes and stuff like that. But what I love about you. Well, I love many things about you, but what I love about you with this quiz is that you flipped it and you said this is going to work for me.

This is more about getting value to the person taking the quiz. But also it is a useful tool for me. And I think that is something. So few entrepreneurs think about they think about just I got to get this out there, I got to get this newsletter out or this quiz out or this Levak note, whatever this product and they don’t really think about. How is this going to make my business better? Do you know what I mean?

Yes, that that’s one of the things when we if you were on a call with me, I talk about the win-win. So we’ve had this paradigm in digital marketing for quite a while where we say, hey, I’m going to give you a piece of my genius, the opt-in. You’re going to get that piece of genius. Then I’m going to put a drip campaign out there. And in seven drips, I expect you to buy a product.

Now, what’s really happening there is people have gotten into they hate reactance number one. But number two, they do get them. They rarely have time to watch the video, to read the book, know whatever it is that gift’s been given away and they tend not to open the emails anymore. So I call it like the unrequited love of art, because it really is. It’s like the entrepreneur going, I have a list of five thousand people and none of them open.

None of them are buying 5000 people. It’s all about ego. I feel like what our quiz does is it’s a win win because the person taking it gets a lot of information about an area that they’re interested in. What am I doing? Because when we will, we craft the statement. It’s craft on success principles and it’s broken into categories and statements. So when you get the results, you clearly see where you have gaps. And when you get those gaps, you see those gaps, you go, whoa, you had better listen to the next steps Megan has here about my marketing strategy, because I’m missing some key points here that probably are holding me back.

So that’s what’s in it for the person who takes the quiz is it’s three minutes with their quizzes, allow you to determine who your audience is, your best client. One hundred and eighty seconds. It’s quick to take and it allows you to get a lot of information in that three minutes. But even bigger is on the other side for the entrepreneur. One thing that market researchers see and they develop plans off of is patterns. They’re very invested in the patterns.

What are people saying over and over and over this? As people are taking the quizzes, you can see the patterns of where people are struggling. So if you thought they were struggling on communication and possibly a marriage counselor, they were struggling on time management issues. You get some information, though, that helps you reformat programs and also helps you understand what it is your people really, really need. Combine that with instead of guessing because a lot of marketing is guessing, you have solid data, but if you have those high commitment people, now you’re talking to real people and you’re hearing over and over what’s the language they’re using?

Can I use that language in coffee? Can I what I may be I may be an expert is calling a problem one thing, but they have another name for it. That’s why our copy is not resonating, because I’m not speaking their language. I’m speaking my language. So we get a lot of bugs out in the process that possibly have been holding back, holding people back from selling their high ticket items. And now we are able to take them into the book and say, OK, the book needs some reformatting, but also we need to shift how you’re thinking about it.

It’s not a big money maker in the sense that you think it’s your money maker in a step to get to know you. When I buy a book, it’s because I want to get to know that entrepreneur a little bit. I want to see how they write. Are they super serious? If you’re super serious, you probably know a person because it’s sarcastic ass. But that’s that’s kind of like I can see your personality. There are a lot of people, different people who do the same thing out there.

But probably the person you’re going to hire is the one that you resonate with on a personality level. So now we’re now we’re having you get the book out there for an entirely different reason, more as a loss leader than anything else.

Top of the funnel sort of situation. I love that. So can we talk about the anatomy of your quizzes, your Megan quiz? So it sounds like at first I thought it was a personality quiz, but it sounds sort of like it’s a tally, is that right?

It sort of is the atmosphere quizzes out there. They have no value for the presentation. I mean, it’s I call it Kichi, like I’m a wacky wizard. What does that mean?

Yeah, shared on Facebook, I don’t want to share my wacky weirdness on Facebook.

Exactly. So.

When they get the results, are these results are the groups? Is that the high, medium, low or is that is the high, medium, low interest a separate thing?

So most of the people wouldn’t even know there’s a high, medium and low, because that’s that’s the determination of which offer goes out on the autoresponder. They don’t get three different emails. They get one email with that high, medium or low depending on and they probably don’t even know where they’ve fallen in their offer. So the offers in there are different. Where the categories and statements come in is for a lot of entrepreneurs. They’re not even clear on what they do.

You know this because you work with you. Yeah, well, what we do is we say, OK, take your premier program, product or service. Let’s break it down into categories of success and then let’s put statements underneath where people can evaluate that success. So it’s actually when we have category might have like three or four categories with three or four statements underneath where people scale themselves on zero to 10, zero being I haven’t done this ten being successful.

So when they come out in the email, you get your results and it doesn’t tally it and say, you know, you got one hundred out of two hundred directly, but it actually has the categories in the statements listed with your score. So you can see really clearly by category what you’re not doing well at, say, failing because it’s just so that that’s the first thing in the email is you can clearly see where your gaps are.

Oh my gosh, I didn’t even know I needed this to be successful and I haven’t done any of this at all. And then the latter part is where it comes in. The email comes out and it has the commitment driven offer, which is are they a hundred percent committed to the problem you solve? Are they are they willing to spend money to correct that problem? And would they set an appointment to discuss next steps? So that would be your high commitment?

Your medium commitment would probably decide depending on the number of leads you want. Some people will put a calendar there as well as the high commitment if they want more leads. Some people don’t want to talk to more. They just want to get those people into that nurture space. And then, seriously, any room you’re in, about 80 percent of those people will never take action. They won’t spend money. So now you put those people in your email list and you’re spending time with the qualified people who are interested in what you do.

I’m just taking it all and so fucking smart, Juliette, it’s not possible. So I guess what’s Cui’s software do you use? First off, I don’t share that. I don’t I don’t share that. And they actually just switched it to. But I don’t because when people tend to try it on their own without consultation, it ends up like a survey monkey. It’s a shit show.

Got it.

So if if you’ve ever seen on Survey Monkey, you know, they’ll do radio buttons with one to ten scale. And if you know anything about neuroscience, you’ll know that those are a failure. Your brain is not computing. So we keep it very much in alignment with what would be a trigger you get from a neuroscientific standpoint.

Do you know of any other Cui’s software that you would recommend to people starting out?

I don’t actually think that’s a lot of them, and it’s a couple of things about them. First of all, it takes a lot of programming to be able to do what you think you want to do. And most entrepreneurs have no idea about that programming. So you end up spending as much money. I actually talked to a guy Saturday who showed me his quiz and he had gone in and programmed it himself and it wasn’t working. Oh, I mean, literally, he’s like, hey, look at this.

I’m like, it’s blank. And so that’s one of the things the software we use is super, super easy. You just drop in what you need to drop in. And all the programming is calculated in for someone who is just starting out. And they want to do just I just want to get a quiz out for Legian. Do you think things like Survey Monkey or we’ll say Survey Monkey or Google forms or something like that is good just as a minimum viable product?

I don’t because you have to have a reason for people to take it, and generally with those, again, you’re going to get a mixture because you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re giving them a mixture of things that aren’t resonating with their brain. So you really need to know what you’re doing here to get people to engage in the process. The other thing about ours that’s very unique is that you can actually go into a room and we have a lot of speakers to do this and you can have it as part of your talk.

So people with three minutes to take the quiz right there in the room and lead capture. And guess what? You’ve captured their captured audience there in that room for a reason. They are interested in what you do. So you can actually it has its own unique. You can bring it up on the phone and people can take it right then and there. And now you’ve really captured an entire room.

So smart for people who want to starting a quiz for Legian. How do you recommend they get started? Just thinking about quizzes and Legian. Where do they. Let’s step one.

Step one. Take stock of your product or service. What is what are the main points of it and what are the success principles of it? You are the expert in this, so let’s take communication. If you were going to be successful at communication, what are the four main points underneath communications that are important and have people do a self-evaluation versus a yes? No, maybe whatever you do like that. One of the things that happens in a lot of these quizzes when I talk about neuroscience, the kind of the disconnect is that if I have a question and I’ve answered yes, no, maybe.

And then I’ve gone to the next page. I’ve just disconnected oh process when we put ours together, the categories and the statements are on the same page. So one communication category, they can answer the four or five statements next page. That will be a totally different topic. And what that does is it brings those pieces together for people when you’re just doing a yes no or or you have a scale of one to 10 and now you’re flipping the page.

People don’t understand how all that’s connected to what you do. So think about how your messaging could go into this quiz so people understand by the end exactly what you do. So you better know exactly what you do, which that’s probably the biggest thing. Megan. And you know this from being a market strategist. People get into this and they don’t know exactly what they do, but they’re expecting other people to know exactly what they do for money. But really, this clear of this is also a good tool.

If you’ve been an entrepreneur who’s gone from thing to thing to thing like, oops, that didn’t work. Now I’m going to this. You need something that clearly lays out what you do now. And I talk to people all the time that will say, well, I have a list of a thousand people, but four hundred of them are from three years ago when I was a spiritual guru. Now I do this, I’m a money manager. And now and it’s like, wow, no wonder your audience is confused, right?

Oh, the homework behind the idea of a quiz has just gotten much bigger, I think, for three or four listeners that we go to a BuzzFeed personality quiz. But I think to your point is those quizzes have their place, I guess, for social media or whatever. But if you want to really utilize a quiz format as a legion, you really have to think about just going back to what we said, twofold of what’s in it for them.

How is this going to be of value to them, but also how is it going to be valuable for you?

That’s true, and we call this being of service instead of selling because I as an entrepreneur have taken the time to prepare this and I’m asking you to take it on being a service to you. I’m doing a deep dove. Like what is really going on with you? I want to know versus the old way, which I kind of call that digital marketing with that opt-in I was talking about. That’s unrequited love, where it’s all about the sale and what’s going on with you here.

We’re really including a deep dove into I do care about my clients and I want to find out what’s really going on for you guys or even potential clients. So this is really a way of serving without selling. And here’s the other thing. If you start building a relationship, which this does when you start talking to people, the products sell themselves. I find I don’t have to get on a call. I don’t have to be sales. I just explain what’s going on.

Look, let’s go through this. This is what’s going on. And usually, it’s how much and how long.

Well, you had mentioned that you get a three autoresponder. There are three different autoresponder responders to get with that. How much further do you go into automation sequences? Is it like the high ones just get not bombarded, but they get a lot of attention and the medium ones and the low ones we just leave you for we’ll check in with you, your dad on the road like you took this. Goodbye. So that’s something you can decide in the background.

The upgraded version of the quiz platform allows you to connect to your CRM and it does connect to most bigger CRM. So from there you can pass that high, medium and low so that high you may want to send them out. Something like, hey, I saw you were eligible for an appointment and you didn’t schedule. Would you like to get that schedule so you can go that way? In fact, we actually teach too. We have you watched since all of this is in real time, if you had with people that take it but don’t sign up for the session with you, you have the phone number SEO have the ability to pick up the phone and say, hey, Megan, thank you so much for taking the quiz.

At Friday’s event, he was you qualified for Point. Would you like to get that schedule? Because what happens when you’re at an event a lot of times as you’re running from place to place to place the emails there, you just forget about it. And that phone call is a reminder for the nurture space. We do one or two things usually that nurture space is our potential. So we look at the high commitment as probably can sell within a month.

We look at that medium commitment place as these people probably are seeing you for the first time. They love what you had to say. But is Megan that person there? A lot of people who do this. I need to get Megan. I need to get to know her a little bit more. So you’re going to spend you’re going to do great emails, maybe invite them to events. When I say events, maybe you have a call once a week, a free call that you like to.

So just some place where they can get to know you a little bit better. And then the low commitment, depending on what your what you’re calling is, those may be people we talk about with the spiritual people and also the psychology-related businesses. Those may be people who have to go hit rock bottom before they come back. So you don’t completely leave them out there, but you don’t spend a lot of time with them either. So that’s usually the way we treat that, those autoresponder, the connection on the back end.

So if you’re a really sophisticated marketer, you’re going to want three different campaigns written in addition to that, that quiz that we’re building.

That makes sense. And just thinking about so we’ve talked about a lot of ways people can use this as a service based business. Do you have any people who utilize it for a product based business?

We don’t I don’t feel like it’s a good, good fit for product-based services. There are a lot of other things when this is more for those intellectual products, the service and intellectual, where people can’t hold it in their hand. If you have a product you can hold in your hand, chances are you’ll just ordered that thing. And then if you don’t like it, you’ll send it back. But you have to see and play with something.

When do you recommend people start looking at their quiz and updating it or editing it? What is what are the signs that this quiz is not performing the way that you need it to be?

We have a lot of that, actually. So as we start getting answers and people are talking. So let’s say you were high commitment. You and I have a conversation and I start picking up that you’re telling me things that I don’t have in the quiz and I’m hearing those things over and over. That’s when you start thinking about updating it because that’s the beauty of it is most of the time small entrepreneurs do not do their market research. It’s a guess.

So now is I’m actually talking to someone besides my mother or my sister or my husband who probably would all think that my product is the best thing since sliced bread. I’m getting objective feedback and talking to people who are telling they’re giving me information. This is where I’m really struggling and that’s where you start updating. Everything is, oh, I was guessing and these people are telling me something a little bit different. So that might mean like what we did, where we took something from a digital product right into let’s have some group coaching with that.

Let’s get people. And once we got all that in place, it took off. It took off really big. And those a lot of those people came back and did their books with us as well. So it just it’s a trust builder.

Thinking the trust builder part is what made me stop and pause for a second, because I think that. The way you’re using quizzes is just so. Not revolutionary a lot, but just I’m thinking about the quiz gurus that are out there, the rain Slovaks and people with courses on how to build quizzes, things like that, and. Not only are you. Creating trust by actually giving service that people can use for their benefit, even if they never use your services, but you’re doing it in such a way, that is just to me it’s.

It’s revolutionary, but it’s elegantly simple to do, you know what I mean?

Yeah, you have to make marketing simple. You talk to people all day long. Here’s the deal. If you are a love coach or you are, I don’t know. And there’s a ton of things out there. Your expertise is not marketing. It’s not building a quiz. I almost feel like I should put a disclaimer. This is back in the car days like I was on the start account when we had to put that disclaimer for the flying car.

Do not try this at home. That’s what all of this started. You almost need to do that with a quiz, because if you’re not a marketing expert, you’re not going to get to the heart of what you need to do. Your expertise is someplace else. So have someone else that does have expertise do that for you.

What is the cutoff between a good quiz and a holy shit? This is way too long and way too intricate a quiz. What do you think? There’s a benchmark. I know you have you have three minutes.

Three minutes a minute. People have no attention span. We all have ADHD. I actually had a client about two years ago, Sonny Giles, who came to us and she had spent twenty thousand dollars on this very intricate, intricate, intricate. It was kind of a quiz, a survey. It had a lot of benefits from what she did a lot. And but she couldn’t get people to take it. And so when I talked to her, I went in and took it.

It took a half-hour and I, I was, oh, my gosh, really, really Brame dead. And so I went back to her and I said, here’s what I think you need. We need this quiz to be quick and dirty. And then as you talk to people and gauge their interest if you have them, go take that. So that’s what she did. And she actually spoke at an event. Actually, she did two things that were kind of changed.

What we did, too. She was speaking at a big event in Germany. And what she did was she had the host of the event send the quiz out in advance. And so she was able there were like four hundred people at this event. And I think one hundred and thirty two took it before the event. She picked up the phone. Her team picked up the phone and called the people that were high commitment and said, hey, I’m going to be at the event.

I have these half hour sessions. Would you like to book one? So there she went to actually meeting people in person, taking the time, starting to build that trust. But then when she gave it from the stage, I think another two hundred and three took it. So that that gave her team a follow up as well to all of this. And that was she was having conversations, the high commitment people. She could determine who is in for that next step.

And I will tell you, I think it is one of the big companies in Silicon Valley hired her before she even got the event. And she charges I think she said I think she told me she charges about fifty thousand dollars for a workshop. And it was one of the big one of the big computer companies hired her to come in before she ever even spoke.

Just what one of Phoenix rising stars?

Yeah, I doubt it was it it really had a lot of visibility for her.

Well, Juliette, we’re running out of time, so how can people get a hold of you, and when they’re ready to work with you, what kind of homework do you have them do beforehand?

Well, the first thing you can do is go over and take our logic quiz. So it’s W-W Leave Logic Quiz Dotcom and finds out where you’re at in your lead qualification process. If you’re an author, you can go check out Promote Profit, Publish Quiz, which is a published quiz, Dotcom, to start working with us that the homework we do is we send out a Google sheet that has a part of our process and we ask you to just do a big Brame up and then we come together after you’ve done that, bring up and then we start organizing it all and having a discussion about why this where it goes, what we do and how we word it to get at the answer.

Not an accurate answer because there is no idea how to get an answer that will be helpful for the entrepreneur and the person taking it.

I have learned so much today and I am so thankful that you were here today. Thank you so much for coming on.

Well, thank you for having me. It’s so weird how we got together. I know it’s Connie who for you people listening. Connie who you’ll hear again, she’s coming back on is just the best connector. She’s so smart and she knows all the good people, ourselves included.

She does. I just had her I just recorded her podcast for her podcast last week, too. Oh, nice.

So is there anything that we forgot to talk about that you want people to know before we end the show?

Oh, I think so. I think maybe we covered a lot. I hope I just said I didn’t confuse or overwhelm people.

I think everybody’s going to go and start writing down some quiz questions now.

Very good. Good.

Thank you so much, Juliette. I really appreciate it.

Thank you. Have a great day.

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